What's Coming: Week of Dec 14, 2020

Hi there, Fast Talk Labs Members!

Here’s a preview of new things we are preparing for you this week.

Cycling in Alignment Episode 31: Mountain Bike Fit with Julie Young and Travis Brown
We unpack the minutiae of mountain bike fit with coach Julie Young and Travis Brown. Steeper seat tube angles on many modern mountain bikes can present challenges and sometimes make it impossible to get a rider’s saddle offset far enough back behind the bottom bracket on a mountain bike to match their road position.

Big Gear Standing Starts: Neuromuscular Workout
Tuesday, 12/15 at 12:00-1:15pm Mountain Time
This workout will focus on acceleration, good form, and a strong leg drive to help build muscle strength and power. We will incorporate standing pedaling efforts. The goal will be maximum muscle recruitment in the lower body. Please register at least 24 hours in advance.

Zwift Recovery Spin + Zoom Q&A with Dr. Stephen Cheung
Wednesday, 12/16 at 5:00-6:15pm Mountain Time
Special guest and new Fast Talk Laboratories contributor Dr. Stephen Cheung joins us on this recovery ride! Register now for this live Q&A opportunity with one of the world’s leading environmental exercise physiologists (how heat and cold affect athletes and performance). Please register at least 24 hours in advance.

Fast Talk Episode 142
(Teaser: It’s about nutrition myths!)

Shatter the Mental Ceiling on Performance
Article by Dr. Stephen Cheung
Physiological improvements are not the only way to maximize performance. Dr. Cheung explores the psychology of feedback, deception, and perception.

Polarized Training: Managing the Distribution of Training Intensity
Technique Video by Dr. Stephen Seiler
Dr. Seiler presents on the topic of training intensity when using polarized training.

Physiological Testing for Female Athletes
Article by Julie Young
Testing Day is like Race Day. Should female athletes prepare any differently for physiological tests based on where they are in their hormone and menstrual cycle?

When Should You Get Back in the Saddle?
Article by Trevor Connor
If I could make every cyclist understand just one thing about a successful return to training after an autumn break, it would be this: There is nothing you can do in November or December to make you a superstar in May, but there is a lot you can do to make sure you’re burnt out or injured by May.

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My point of posting this is to encourage anyone that is thinking of joining a workout to register and give it a go. I just finished the Big Gear Standing Starts workout lead by Coach Ryan. It was self selected with regard to effort and I picked up some pointers. I imagine it was similar to a Peloton class (never participated) or spin classes that I have gone to in the past; but, with a specific training purpose.

I want to thank everyone else that participated, even if we didn’t do much talking. This is the most interaction I have had, even if virtual, outside of my family and small work group since lock down began.

Coach, thank you for leading this.

BTW, Coach Ryan pondered having a post listing peak power numbers from the workout. I will not broadcast my numbers as I don’t find them worthy of bragging. However, upon post workout analysis, I did set PRs for 2 through 8 seconds. One second power was watts off my PB.

@Schils, great work, and congrats on the PRs!

Thank you for your comments on the workout too. That was a fun session!
Coach Ryan

I can confirm that Tuesday’s standing starts was a fun and often overlooked workout. Both the seated and standing starts are good to do either as a distinct workout or scattered randomly during long endurance rides for some variety. While we were aiming for peak power values, when doing them remember it’s also about correct technique rather than throwing your body everywhere to gain a few watts. @ryan did a great job of talking us through technique and ideas to focus on through each start. Looking forward to more! Glad to have virtually ridden with you @Schils!