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Guidelines & ResourcesWelcome to the Fast Talk Labs Forum!
Announcements & PreviewsAnnouncements and Previews of Upcoming Events and Content Releases for Members.
PodcastsThis Forum category is for the discussion of Fast Talk and Cycling in Alignment podcast episodes. Let’s make you fast!
Beginners & Basic TipsBeginners, start here! This is our beginner-friendly forum category where there are no dumb questions and our members and coaches can point you in the right direction.
Ask a Triathlon ExpertTraining to nutrition, injuries to gear, get tri-specific advice on swim-bike-run from our category host, the “TriDoc,” triathlon coach Jeffrey Sankoff, M.D. (@tri_doc1).
Training ConceptsLet’s talk about training! From concepts to principles, new methods to proven ones, we get into the training ideas that Fast Talk Laboratories is all about.
PhysiologyThis Forum category is intended to discuss physiology. What’s happening in the body during exercise?
NutritionThis Forum category is intended for discussion of daily nutrition, pre-workout fueling, seasonal nutrition periodization, and all things sports nutrition.
Workout LabShare your favorite workouts, warm-ups, openers, etc. and collaborate with experts and your community to get new ideas about maximizing your sessions.
Health & RecoveryThis Forum category is intended for conversation about health, staying healthy, preventing and treating injuries, avoiding overtraining, and rest and recovery.
Races, Rides, RunsThis Forum category is intended for the discussion of past and upcoming races, rides, and runs!
Skills & TechniqueThis Forum category is for the discussion of on- and off-the bike skills and techniques.
Gear & TechThis Forum category is intended for discussion of gear and tech.