Really enjoyed this discussion- episode 260, Grant’s question- the original question was about how to get into that meditative state we yearn for in training- more towards what people do when they have to back off training and struggle to find that state.
It ended up, in part, as a discussion of how people use music/media in training.
I’d enjoy hearing other people comment- here’s my statement(s):
I do seek meditative bliss in riding. I found it most intensely in running, running at VO2Max basically (I was conscious early in life of the positive effect on my state of mind from intense physical exertions). At a certain point this intensity in running began to cause injury, and I was able to pursue it on the bike.
Basically the real meditation comes at just sub-LT/VO2Max for me and I only get there in silence.
I do use music on the trainer at Z2, and I can tolerate it on the really hard (i.e. short) intervals, though I think it can distract from adaptation and can be sort of a crutch.
The fact is you can’t listen when racing.
Also, I find people talking to me in the crunch points in a race a real chink in the armor (annoying distraction- often get dropped right after)- and thus I will dig into annoying content to train mental toughness.
Don’t get me wrong; love good music, just don’t think it actually helps with training, and it interferes with me digging on the world around me when on the road.
Yet, even so, it is darn good to have a good tune flow on those long Z2’s, road or rollers, which, for me, are not meditative at all!