Upcoming webinar and Zwift ride with Dr. Cheung - let's talk indoor riding

Hi everyone,
I hope you can join us for the live webinar with Dr. Cheung on Monday January 25th! As many of you already likely know, Dr. Cheung is a world-renowned expert in the body’s reaction to temperature extremes. He has been wonderful to have on many of our live workouts and rides so far, and we are excited to learn more from him as most of us are fully into the “Indoor Trainer Season”!

Use this forum thread to post some of your questions, hurdles with riding indoors and managing temperature, or any other related topics. We would love to bring some of your questions to the discussion either during the webinar or the Zwift ride that following Wednesday Jan 27th.

Both of these events are occurring at 5pm mountain time and we’re looking forward to seeing you!

With that said, what is your indoor setup, and how do you manage temps when you’re training indoors?

Coach Ryan


Two fans and window near by that gets utilized when it’s cool enough outside. Portable dehumidifier in the summer months. Sleeveless base layer has been very useful.

I have 2 fans. One is a bigger fan that I can control with a remote that I point towards the floor that gives a good “rebound” flow that isn’t too strong but can keep me cool. The other is a smaller fan I have on a table within arm reach that I can adjust the power and it pointed slightly down at my legs. I am still experimenting with the best angles and power. I need the air circulating. If I need a slight adjustment for warmth (if I am doing a lower intensity ride and air a bit too cool) I can put sweat bands on my wrists and it does help keep me a bit warming - probably a combination of keeping fan off the wrist and keeping that area a bit warmer.

I ride in my semi-insulated but unheated garage that I’ve turned into a cycling cave. So currently in the depths of winter it gets down to about 5°C and overheating is never a problem for me. I have a single fan positioned about 2 m away to optimize air flow, and riding with it on low or medium setting is good even for hard interval sessions. I’ve been playing with the CORE body temp system too the past 3 months and, while it has yet to be scientifically validated (in the works with a few international colleagues), it’s interesting to track core temperature during different types of indoor and outdoor rides. Keep up the questions and happy to answer them here and in the Jan 25 webinar!

I use 2 fans when I ride indoors. I have 1traditional box fan and 1air blower. I set them up so that one is hitting me from the left at an angle and one is hitting me from the right at an angle. The only part of me not getting hit by direct air flow is my back. I wear a short or long sleeve t-shirt when I first hop on, but within a few minutes I am riding shirtless. I have found that going from 1 fan to 2 fans has been a total game changer as far as my comfort level and performance on the trainer. All my friends who think I am crazy for doing so much indoor riding…guess what…they have AWFUL cooling setups when they ride indoor and its no wonder why they hate it.