Episode 10, fueling question w/ Dr. Goglia

Afternoon all,

During the podcast, Dr. Goglia mentions the morning meal of a big race is for the 1st 40 min of the race. Its water only at first to establish your sweat rate. After that, its sugar, fat, sugar, fat until an “Hour out from the barn”. Then its sugar caffeine to get you home.
What does he mean by sugar, fat, sugar, fat when you are drinking from a hydration pack of a hydrationmix? How does the fat work into your drinking and how often?

I am confused.

Thank you


I remember that episode. It was pretty weird stuff. I believe I recall Trevor saying that some of his ideas were controversial.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve heard Dr. Goglia being referenced and spoken to before on other podcasts as well. Something else that is contradictory from what I hear is, water out the gate first vs drink mix first and to the end.
I guess its trial and trial more for you yourself and learn what works for your own body.

Thanks again

I’m sure he’s on other podcasts. He is a “nutritionist to the stars” kind of influencer and promotes his diet plans on Dr. Oz. My guess is that when Phil Gaimon found him, he was less of a marketer and supplement salesman.

I honestly couldn’t make heads or tails of some of the things he was saying on the podcast. Trevor didn’t press him to explain the science behind any of it either. My hunch is that all of his metabolic typing and macro-nutrient timing just shrouds nutrition concepts in a sense of mystery that he can sell.

Here he says he is going to set macros according to the patient’s lipid profile. Listen to him talk about her athletic temperature. It’s all BS IMO:

You don’t hear anyone else saying these things. So either he’s a mad genius or he’s making up stuff that sounds good. (Note that this video is 4 years old and if you look at a current video on this channel, the youtuber has gained significant weight. I guess Goglia’s plan didn’t work for her.)

If you read the Amazon reviews of his book, you see he’s got people drinking 10 liters of water per day. I guess if you eat salmon and vegetables and drink that much water, you’ll probably lose weight and you’ll feel full from being water logged!

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HI All,

That episode brings back memories and @shumphreysjr that’s a good question. I wish I could give you more of an answer on this one. That episode was actually a learning experience for us. We believe strongly in bringing in different opinions on the show - especially when they don’t agree with us. But I admit that with this episode I just didn’t get the science that Dr Goglia was citing. It could simply be that I don’t get it, but the lesson we learned from the episode was that while we should bring on guests we don’t necessarily agree with, we still need to be able to understand their science.


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Hey Trevor, thanks so much for chiming in. I appreciate the information you are putting out. Its simply the easiest and most thorough to understand. Full disclosure, I do have to hit “back” several times on the podcast as I drive not to mention U-turns while listening and missing my turn. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good weekend guys.


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Hi @Sidjournell thanks for the really kind words! And sorry for the slow response - I was traveling for a bit. Always welcome the hit “back” - just don’t have an accident while you’re doing it!


Good morning Trevor,

I understand the travelling, we all must pay the bills, or recover from paying the bills.
I must say, after listening to many different MTB and or just cycling podcasts, FASTTALK is by far in my opinion the most rounded, informative, science filled, and backed by the most diverse guests. I most enjoy the dives into physiology, even as you guys attempt to only scrape the surface. I’ve always enjoyed the science side of everything, but combining this with my new love for cycling and competing, I am drawn in even more in search of the “missing piece”.
With that said, Trevor, can you point to a text, or book that I could read that would cover physiology as it relates to our sport or in general that covers things like how we process sugar in our bodies, Osmolality, proteins, fats, aminos, electrolytes, and the things you guys talk about during your gummy bear podcast?

Whenever you get a chance sir. I am off to Peru this coming weekend for a couple weeks to visit the wifes family and plan on getting a couple rides in in the town of Arequipa. Going to ride the river bed towards Chichani and Misti.

Thanks again for what you and your team does sir.

Travel safe.


Hi @shumphreysjr,

Sorry for the slow reply. I wanted to give your question some thought and then got caught up in things. But it’s a really good question. There’s a lot of routes you can go to get to the information you want.

One is to read the peer-reviewed research. But that’s tough without a good foundation first, which is what I get the sense you’re getting at. I personally had to read a bunch of text books before I could switch to just reading the research.

There’s also a lot of good popular books on training designed for a broad audience, but I get the sense that’s not what you’re looking for.

So that leaves the third option which is textbooks. I’ve read a bunch and actually thoroughly enjoyed them. They gave really good background information and covered all of the topics you mention above well. There’s two I’d recommend:

  1. McArdle - it is the definitive Exercise Physiology textbook. It’s written at a good level for people who are still new to exercise physiology but is also one of the most thorough textbooks available. It covers everything! Here’s the link: Amazon.com

  2. Powers - it’s not as thorough as McArdle, but it’s very well written and the easiest to follow of all the exercise physiology textbooks I’ve ever read. It was the textbook for the second exercise physiology course I ever took and I really appreciated it. I just found it explained things well and in an easily understandable manner. Here’s the link: Amazon.com

Hope that helps! And really hope you had a good trip!


Hey Trevor, as always, thanks for getting back and taking the time out of your busy schedule.

I am going to pick up one of these texts for sure. I’d like to look at the Table on Contents first. Most likely the 1st option with McArdle. Even if I have to reread 2 or 3 times.

I look forward to this text.

Have a good rest of the summer too.
