Hello, I think under/overs are good for me and I “like” them. I call them “u/o’s” because I start with unders.
I can do them “under” ftp and “over” LT, however I’m not convinced these are the right levels; maybe too high.
Basically, my LT is about 5% higher than my ftp (in my interpretation I have a “low” ftp compared to my LT, Vo2Max and anaerobic levels, which is basically my whole training issue in a nutshell).
I can do these super-intense intervals, but they don’t seem to help my functionality as a racing competitor.
I’ve decided it is an issue of lactate clearance based on a long-term imbalance between “high and low.” Simply too much high and not enough low, for many many years on top of an ice-hockey background.
I understand and embrace the polarized model, and get the Z2 training on an 80/20 (4 to 1) program.
My question is at what level to do the"highs."
I have learned that the Seiler 8’s are best at 87-92% of Vo2Max, however my ftp is 84% of my Vo2Max, thus I am “above threshold” at that level, and dead center on my LT on that level.
Sounds silly, but those seemingly small percentages are very significant.
I can do the 8’s at this level but I’m not convinced they will “work” at that level. The issue here is sustainability and how to approach functional over-reach.
This is context for my u/o question, as my main 8’s approach is to be very aware of not going too high. Even a small jump too high messes up the process.
What are the optimal u/o levels?
I can do them around my LT, but this is super taxing.
If around ftp is better, what are the percentages? In other words do I go actually below ftp, like 10% below, and then actually above ftp, like 10%, which in reality puts me above LT, that is low Vo2Max, which is, again, doable and super intense.
Or, to do them “right” do I go 10% below, and then above, but only like 3% to avoid going above LT and therefore into Vo2Max?
The idea here, for me, is to use Z2 along with “hard” intervals, sustainably, to improve my lactate clearance, a real deficit for me, as I feel my high level is plenty high (though can improve), the actual limiting factor being lactate clearance (lack thereof, so-to-speak).
Thanks for any input,
PS, I guess it’s really a question of wondering if it’s better to do intervals, HIIT, below Vo2Max, or are all these intervals basically just variations on a Vo2Max workout.