The Craft of Coaching with Joe Friel: Coaches’ Choice

For nearly two years, Fast Talk Laboratories has brought you The Craft of Coaching with Joe Friel—the ultimate resource to becoming a better, more successful, and happier coach. Drawing from his 40-year career as a leader in the endurance sports community and one of the world’s most trusted cycling and triathlon coaches, Joe Friel shares his coaching knowledge and key takeaways about the endurance athlete in The Craft of Coaching series.

We’ve bundled some of the most popular pieces of content from 14 Craft of Coaching modules to reshare. The Craft of Coaching with Joe Friel: Coaches’ Choice includes a star-powered panel of featured experts in endurance sports:

Dr. Stacy Sims | Dr. Andy Kirkland | Jim Miller | Victoria Brumfield | Jim Rutberg | Julie Young | Bobby McGee | Ben Day | Grant Holicky | Julie Dibens | Pete Webber | Dean Golich | Dave Schell Erin Carson | Trevor Connor | Melissa Mantak | Ryan Kohler | Rob Griffiths |Phillip Hatzis

Take a peek at some of the pieces of content that we’re resharing!

While Joe Friel’s original vision for The Craft of Coaching is now complete, our team has begun developing what’s next for The Craft of Coaching. We are grateful to Joe Friel for sharing his key insights from his incredible, pioneering career as America’s first professional, personal cycling and triathlon coach. This incredible library will provide a lasting legacy and guiding light for endurance coaches for many years to come.


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