How to Use Our Forum

Welcome to the Fast Talk Labs Forum!

Our Forum is your source for the science of endurance training.

Please note that during checkout, you agreed to our Terms of Service, which includes the below behavioral standards for our Forum.

Online Behavior and Content

  1. You understand that we moderate our forum and social networks at our discretion and that we may or may not monitor the content posted by users.
  2. We do not assume any liability for content posted by members, those using your account, or any third-party users of our products and services.
  3. You agree to behave politely and tolerate other viewpoints on our forum, social networks, and through any other means that is tied to our products and services including but not limited to Zwift, Strava, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, et al.
  4. You agree that you will not upload, post, share, or distribute content that is illegal, threatening, defamatory, abusive, harassing, degrading, intimidating, fraudulent, deceptive, political, invasive, sexist, racist, or contains any type of suggestive, inappropriate, or explicit language.
  5. You agree that you will not upload, post, share, or distribute content that:
    a. infringes on intellectual property rights including copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, or information that may be consider insider information,
    b. is promotional if there was an exchange of value,
    c. or which impersonates any person or legal entity.
  6. We reserve the right to modify or delete any content on our website for any reason at our sole discretion and without warning or advance notice.
  7. You agree that, with the exception of terms described in our Privacy Policy, any content you post using our products and services becomes the exclusive property of Fast Talk Laboratories, LLC with a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, publish, publicly display, and distribute in any method we choose.

Our Humble Staff Requests

We are hopeful that the Fast Talk Labs Forum will become your favorite home for vibrant, dynamic conversations about sport science.

We would like to set a few expectations regarding how our staff interacts on this Forum.

Questions About Episodes of Fast Talk

We’re always watching conversations about topics and guests of the Fast Talk Podcast. If you have follow-up questions, please ask those! Chris, Trevor, and Ryan will answer those whenever possible.

Personal Coaching vs. Community Questions

If a question applies to many people and not just to you, then we consider that to be a Community Question. We encourage Community Questions, and we look forward to weighing in when we have time around our other projects that we are developing for you.

If a question is specific to you, we consider it to be a Personal Coaching Question. We hope our members continue to ask Personal Coaching Questions on the Forum. Our Forum includes many science-minded coaches who are active Forum members, and we hope that our Forum community is ready to help out! However, the Fast Talk Labs staff will be less likely this fall and winter to answer Personal Coaching Questions directed at them.

We are always happy to answer Personal Coaching Questions during a Coaching Help Session! In fact, we would love to work with you in this more personal, one-on-one way. (And Coach Ryan has been known to answer basic questions during Complimentary Solutions Consults, too.)

Question of the Week!

:heart: Next week, we will begin watching for really interesting Personal Coaching or Community Questions so Trevor and Ryan can provide answers! Each week, we will watch for the Forum topics that get the most “likes” which users add by clicking the :heart: icon at the bottom of any topic post. When we see a new post or reply that has a high number of likes, we will refer those to Trevor and Ryan to consider for a detailed reply the following week. (It takes time to research some of our members very smart questions!)

@Mentions for @Trevor @Ryan
We appreciate it when members draw topics to our attention by tagging them. We do read most (not all) of these tags, but we do not expect to have the time to prepare thorough replies during our busy fall season. Rather than dash off a quick reply, our staff will be more selective about the topics we dive into. Please don’t take it personally! Between Fast Talk, this Forum, Fast Talk Labs, and being a part of the sport science community, we just get more requests for info than we’re able to field.

Thank you for considering our Forum policies! Please feel free to reply to this topic or email us at if you have any questions or suggestions. We’re listening!