Fast Talk Episode 152- How to Effectively Modify Your Training and Racing as You Age

Interesting topic but the focus was on experienced cyclists and whether/when/how aging might affect performance. Would you consider doing another podcast focusing on the inexperienced cyclist? Can inexperienced cyclists who are already older reasonably expect to get better and, if so, for how long can they still get better before the effects of aging overcome the effects of well-advised training? What do the science and your collective coaching experience tell you about the prospects for older inexperienced cyclists who are in decent shape but nowhere near the fitness of good amateurs?

As you no doubt have figured out, I have a personal interest in the question so feel free to use me as a case study around which you or others on the forum can explore the relevant considerations. Iā€™m a 62 year old male in my third year of retirement and, therefore, my third year of more serious cycling. In college and grad school I was a competitive cross country, track and road racer. Prior to retiring I was, at best, a weekend, suburban dad bike rider. Now I ride 5-6 days per week and for the last year and half have averaged around 150 miles per week. Last year I started working with a coach (a Fast Talk devotee) who has introduced periodization and more considered recovery to my training. On my own, having never heard of Fast Talk, I worked up to serious non-functional overreaching, making most of the mistakes you advise against. Currently FTP = 228 based on 95% of a 20 minute test (average HR on the test was 154 from chest strap monitor). VO2 Max = 52 as indicated on my Garmin 830. My focus is on longer Gran Fondo-type road or road/gravel events. Is the window of opportunity for meaningful improvement still open? How long is it before Father Time shuts it down and I shift my focus to maintaining fitness against the forces of aging?