Ask: Revisit Xert

Hi @steveneal thanks for taking the time to respond. I wonder if you could clarify some of the terms that you have used?

LT1 - is this the point at which lactate starts to appear in the bloodstream?
LBP - lactate balance point; the point at which lactate production = lactate consumption
Threshold - aerobic threshold / anaerobic threshold
VO2 max - understand this
climax - do you mean VLamax? I have never heard of this term.

Many thanks


Yes - but this is determined after the initial step test, so it is also a way at looking at an athlete’s ability to combust lactate. If you then take the LBP, and use as a workout level, you will see maximal lactate steady state.

I guess anaerobic or lactate threshold 2

Yes VLAmax sorry for typo.

Thanks @steveneal for clarifying. Excuse my ignorance but are there any LBP surrogates that don’t require a lactate meter?

@jjm36 I believe I can get close with a moxy. The most accurate is with lactate. I would say that most people have a balance point heart rate between 78-82% of max, so I will use a one hour, heart rate limited time trial in that range, the power you see from this session will likely be your balance point power.

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Thanks @steveneal that answers my questions!

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