SMO2 Readings and Interpretations

@fazel1010 @SpareCycles yes I would tape so that you can trust the data and limit frustration


:smiley: that has crossed my mind “Has anyone tattooed their leg for the purpose of consistent Moxy placement?”

Good one. I use the length of my hand. Heel of my palm on to the bottom edge and then fingers land on my patella, at a 90 knee flexion. But laterally, I am eye balling it. I initially tested moving it slightly, on purpose, and there wasn’t much difference in reading (I should revisit this though).

I’ll provide some data here. I did a 4m step test with a balance point test with the SMO2 readings as well.

@steveneal I didn’t want to link your google sheet with the LT1 and LT2 without your go ahead.

LT1 appears to be around 235 watts / LT2 probably around 290-300 and balance point probably around 250watts.