EP 356: The Importance of Maintaining Muscle Mass

Do you focus on maintaining muscle mass during the season and, if you do, what are your secrets?

60+ Masters MTB and CX racer here.
I hit the gym 2x per week in the off season and try for 1x per week during the season. Off season is maintaining muscle mass: core, upper body, legs. During the season gym time is focused on neuromuscular activation, balance and mobility mostly.

I try to eat 90-100 grams of protein per day, all year around, but that can be a challenge at times. It’s a lot to consume some days.

I have been lifting weights in the gym since college pretty consistently all these years. I feel like I have been able to maintain good muscle mass into my sixth decade. I am certainly not as strong as I once was, but having crashed a few times in the past couple of years, I strongly believe the mass I have maintained has kept me from breaking any bones (knock wood.)