Does walking count as Zone 2 exercise intensity?

Straight up what I’m asking above, If for what ever reason one day I walked about 6 hr or more can I call it a z2 workout, or is it just to slow.
I think you already answered this in one podcast when you talk if recovery rides produced some kind of adaptation, but this is quite longer and i don’t know i want to know if was worth it that walk

Do you even get to your zone 2 heart rate from walking? I have to walk pretty briskly or jog a little to get there.

The question is why you want it to count?

Six hours of walking would probably leave me exhausted and not in a state to train well the next day. It’s a workout but I doubt it’s going to make you a faster cyclist if that is the goal.

There was a famous marathoner who use to do 3+ hour walks to increase his volume without the risk of injury. (Zatopek maybe?)

Oh I don’t want to, I just wonder. I usually walk a lot so make think.
And yeah my hr stay in z1 around a 110 bpm, so thats exactly what I’m wondering if this low exertion generates some sort of aerobic adaptation or not either way I won’t stop walking some day I just feel like it.
Btw yeah it let me a little bit tiered actually I had to take a nap after it but wasn’t strenuous at all, don’t think tomorrow will be a problem

If you walk fast enough!. I tried some of that Olympic race walking (due to injuries) and it’s harder than running! To stay Z2 i actually had to slow down (arms straight at sides vs. power walk posture).

So as long you are hitting high enough hr you are working on z2 wich means waking fast enough to elevate my hr to like 130 bpm which should be a lot faster than I was walking in the first time.
And if that’s the case I’m not sure if i would enjoy walking cause like i said some times i just enjoy walking cause is relaxing if i put the stress of going fast maybe i won’t be doin it anyway.

Thanks a lot this is really insight full.

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I wonder, if you can, if walking up an incline instead of flat would better approximate quad involvement while z2

walking in general is an excellent adjunct to any endurance training program. This would be classified as L1 work but still, within Seiler’s model, we can place this work as time accumulated under the aerobic or lactate threshold. I’ve coached a few pro triathletes where this extra training (just walking as 30-60min pieces routinely) contributed to successful outcomes. Seems to aid recovery, enhance fat burning, and build your aerobic base. It should contribute to the foundation you are aiming to build as a cyclist if that is your aim.


Yeah that’s exactly the goals I was expecting from a long walk. Also when I spoke about z2 I was meaning Seiler’s L1 which is a broad range than traditional z2, but still aim for the same aerobic adaptations.
It’s great to hear that pro triathletes do this and still get improvements, cause like I said is relaxing and refreshing do something different some days and definitely don’t want to stress about it

The key words you used there are ‘relaxing and refreshing’. The words my pros used are meditative. Many of us type A’s have busy minds and there is something very relaxing, refreshing, and meditative that happens with Z1 walking. Likely a lowering of cortisol (a glucocortocoid - gluco meaning sugar burning) and therefore better fat burning ability when we want it - during performance.


I’ve never really considered walking as zone 2 training. I guess it depends on your starting point, but I’m not sure walking is going to give much in the way of aerobic adaptation if you are training regularly. However, I think walking is great for recovery. In fact I’ve given up doing recovery rides and prefer to go for a walk instead.


I recently started adding weights to my walks (rucksuck with sand)… No problem getting my walks into z2… Or higher when I hit the hills!

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